
Dear Fellow Patriot,

Did you hear the news? We’re hauling the California gun grabbers to court to stop an outrageous new gun control scheme from spreading to other cities across the country.

We’re suing the city of San Jose for adopting a gun ownership tax – a blatantly unconstitutional scheme designed to tax gun owners simply for living in the city and having a gun in their home.

Make no mistake, if this “first of its kind” gun tax and other mandates are allowed to stand in San Jose, the rabid gun control lobby will export it to cities and states everywhere. We must nip it in the bud now!

That’s why I’m urging you to sign your Declaration of Public Support for our lawsuit and help us fight back against this outrageous attack on the Second Amendment!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Foundation for Gun Rights


Regarding legal action against the City of San Jose in United States District Court, Northern District of California

WHEREAS: The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clearly states “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed;” and

WHEREAS: San Jose’s gun ownership tax would tax the exercise of a constitutional right and lay the groundwork for gun confiscation, and

WHEREAS: This is a violation of the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court’s decisions in Heller and McDonald, and will quickly spread to other blue states and cities if it’s not stopped TODAY,

THEREFORE: I, the undersigned, do hereby DECLARE MY SUPPORT for the lawsuit filed by the National Foundation for Gun Rights and National Association for Gun Rights, and I stand with them in their efforts to protect our constitutional freedoms.



The National Foundation for Gun Rights Inc. (NFGR) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to NFGR are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute legal or tax advice.

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